Thursday, 31 July 2008

Will the economic downturn postpone your multichannel efforts?

With the downturn appearing to be in full swing there's a danger that
some retail execs will postpone their multichannel aspirations.

Today I attended a presentation about strategies to retain core customers. This was followed by a statement that a CRM programme was not needed and that experience had shown that no x-sell or up-sell initiatives have ever been successful. This really grated with me and seemed counter-intuitive.

The customer is king to the multichannel retailer - how do you target your core customer when you don't know who they are and cannot connect with what they're buying? You resort to sampling and lesser accurate techniques whilst your competitors use their CRM and loyalty schemes to mine customer trends and buying patterns!

Surely in the current climate knowing your customer and what they are buying is key to retaining them. I would suggest the lack of success relating to x-sells, etc is more related to the lack of the ability to measure success.

I suspect the statement was more related to the state of budgets for such a CRM programme.

My view is that now more than ever is the time to find out who your customer is, how they are interacting with you and how you can serve them better.

Monday, 28 July 2008

The impact of iphone on multichannel

It's been a while since my last posting, but I suspect I'll be posting a whole lot more now I've discovered mail-to-blog and how easy it is on the move with my new iPhone.

On the subject of the iPhone. One has to wonder what impact it will have on the use on the Internet and ecommerce. Some might say it'll open up the opportunity for a full mobile internet experience. I've got to wonder given the number of iPhone optimized websites out there already, some have already decided they need to modify their "full" Internet experience into something more digestible on the iPhone form factor.

Whatever the future of the iPhone, I suspect the feasibility of usable mCommerce capability just got a whole lot closer.

I'd be interested in others thoughts on the subject.